I know you guys LOVE Zumba but give the other formats a try :) Do not let Insanity Live scare you! it's a great whole body workout where you are using your body as your strength training, the more you do Insanity the stronger you'll core will get!
Turbo Kick is a cardio kickboxing inspired class, and it's choreographed, very fun!
Also next month we are doing some fun things, so I will start announcing since now :) Tuesday May 5, 2015 we are celebrating 5 de Mayo with a Mexican Fiesta playlist! it's going to start a bit early, at 7pm and it will be a 90min class!
On Saturday May 9th we are also having a 90min class to celebrate Mother's day! we are having 4 instructors :) Charito, Faye, Javier and myself! it will be at 9am to 11:00am we will also have refreshments and some raffles and prizes. Drop in for this special class is $10.
Also, I believe I never made the official annoucement, but all Sunday's classes are now Zumba.
Also, Friday May 15th classes are cancelled, please make a note of that!