Also, as promised here is TrueFit Thanksgiving Sale! please note sale only runs until Sunday.
Monthly users you can buy a monthly card valid from 12/1 to 1/31/15 :) and Punch Card users you have a 20% discount on your punch card! (Sale for 40%) please limit to 1 card per student. If you would like to purchase a gift card for a new friend at this price please let me know.
Even though we feel thankful all year around, this week is when we celebrate all the blessings and lessons learned. This year I am thankful for the opportunities given to me both in my Grown Up job, as well as my Fitness Job. I am thankful to be given the opportunity to take over Dans' Di Ballo' and now run it as TrueFit. A fitness studio dedicated to give you the best group fitness experience possible. Where you feel comfortable, where you can push yourself and improve your fitness level all with a smile and a sense of accomplishment.
Thank you for your continued support and please let me know either by commenting below or sending a private message of anything that we might improve to make your Sweat Fest Experience better!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Gobble Gobble!