
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Fitness Progress Update

Hello Fitness Friends!!

WELL --- today I am super happy!!! last time I mentioned that I believed I was starting to break the plateau and today it is official! The scale this morning said I was at 137.2.  Last week I weighed myself and I was like at 138.6.  I didn't want to mention anything because I wasn't sure if it was just a fluke.  So I kept doing what I was doing and today I caved in and weighed myself.

All last year, I was between 139-140..couldn't get pass that number.  I would notice difference in my body, inches, and all that, but that number would just not budge!  and let me tell you it can be very demoralizing.  But as as soon as the head games would start going up in my head, I would stop myself and say "nope! you have to keep going because you can!" I heard so many times from certain family members that 140 was just my "normal"" weight, that I should listen to my body that was going to be my weight.    I just couldn't resign myself. I want to be comfortable with my body, and I am not at that stage yet.  A friend told me last week that I should start flexing my arms in the mirror, and I did ... just once.  My arms are not near where I want them to be, but they are a lot closer to where they aught to be compared to last year! :)

So to break the plateau I decided to move my workout from morning to evening.  I must say that my body responds better to me working out at 10:30pm than 5:30am.  Not sure why.  All last year my workout schedule was in the  morning.  Last month I switched up to working in the evenings, because I wanted to "buddy" up again with Angel.  While I am doing Les Mills Pump, Turbo, or Zumba he is doing P90X .  Around 9:30 I am feeling tired and ready to go to bed, but I take about 1/2 a scoop of Energy and Endurance, and that perks me back up to go push play! and its low enough dose, that when I am done with my workout I don't feel like I can still keep going.  I fall asleep pretty easily and I am actually sleeping a lot better! Another game changer is switching up my cardio...although I am Turbo girl, adding zumba to the mix is different, so it helps with the muscle memory confusion.

So listen to your body, try different schedules for you to work and determine which one works better for you, but don't fall into the "listen to your body you can't reach your goal" mentality.  Our bodies gets used to what we are doing, so that only means find something new to add to your routines.

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